Hey everybody! Sorry about not posting anything this weekend, I was busy with things so I will update now for last week!
Last week was spiritual warfare week here at our DTS! We were taught about the spiritual battle that we face every day as Christians against the spiritual forces in this world. How we are to deal with evil forces that seek to deceive, hinder and destroy our walk with Jesus Christ and how we are to wield the power given to us through Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit. We learned more about the spiritual gifts that God has given us and also how to use them for God's glory. That is an EXTREMELY brief overview of what we are learning about, an trust me, if you deny that the things that I have just spoken of aren't real, please come to this side of the world, the spiritual battle is VERY real, and you should be aware.
We have been doing many things here other than just learning in class. Most notably we have been interceding for the city that we are living in (Kapan), interceding for people groups, prostitutes, alcoholics and more. The Lord has been giving us very unveiling visions about the spiritual state of this city and we are taking up the authority given to us as well as the guidance, both from Jesus to combat the spiritual forces of evil in this city. We believe that this city is going to experience its first ever spiritual revival because of the praying we have been doing and it is already showing in small ways!!! We are soooo excited about being apart of this glorious mission for God's kingdom. Please pray that we remain steadfast against the enemy and that we all continue to seek the Lord with everything that we have.
I ask that you would all start to pray about the battle that the Lord would have you take up in your own city. I am so convinced of the power of prayer in numbers and I know that the Lord wants to set each of our cities free from whatever spiritual bondage that has it captive. We also certainly covet your prayers in this time for both Alicia and I, as well as our team. We are on the front lines here and Satan is hard at work.
We love all of you and will update you on the next week when it comes that time! THANK YOU for your support!
In Christ
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