Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kapan, Armenia!

I would like to share a little about Kapan, where we will be doing our Discipleship Training School for the next 3 months. The school has a focus on reaching the Muslim world. As Evan shared we just finished our 1st week. Each of the 12 weeks will have a different topic with a different teacher from somewhere around the world. Soon we will begin to pray as a team about where we will go for outreach.

Kapan is in southern Armenia about 25 miles from the Iran border. It is nestled in a mountain valley with apx. 30,000 people. It is not extreme poverty, but in comparison to most of America, it is. It is a developing nation and I believe still considered 3rd world. Christianity just came to this town about 10 years ago and pagan sacrifice sites still exist today. So as you can imagine it has a lot of room for salvation and growth! We are very excited to learn more and see how the Lord shows His love to this town and pray He will use this group as a tool.

Your prayer is so valuable to us. You are all the hands and feet of the church as you join us. Whether we are here, praying at home, or supporting financially we are fulfilling the Great Commission and God's dream, that His glory will be known in all nations! May He give us all His love and heart for the nations. Please pray for our transition and culture shock: food, language, schedule, focus in class. Building relationships within our team. Sharing the love of Christ with this town. God to speak and transform our minds in the likeness of His.

Love & blessings in Christ,


  1. We miss you both so much. Thanks for updating, we are encouraged and inspired by your continued commitment to follow Jesus. Many here will continue to fight with you. Much love from many of your brothers and sisters at Holy Cross!

  2. Wonderful blog and updates!! I feel like I'm there with you in Spirit and I can see God moving. Way to go Evan..learning Russian!! Wow. The pictures are wonderful. We are praying for you. Love and blessings to you both!
