Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Settling in Tbilisi

Hi friends! Today is Independence Day in Georgia- 26 years! Its a big celebration. I hope that we will see the nation continue to progress even in the time we are here.

Well we have been here a month now! Sorry for the delay in an update. We will try to be better now that we are getting more settled. At first we stayed with friends in a village on the outskirts of Tbilisi until we moved into our apartment in the city. Its really nice with a good location and we are so thankful for God's provision for it! And now we are waiting for our visa decision. It should take 30 days and will be a big relief to have it! So we have just been busy adjusting and getting settled and now we are looking forward to seeing what is next for us in this stage of our lives. Our focus is looking like worship & intercessory prayer, community building & encouraging believers. I will also continue my (Alicia) childbirth educator & doula training. We will then start language study when we find an instructor. I will try to explain in more depth in our next post as I know this is a lot to digest!

There is a prayer & worship training conference happening in Armenia this week with Mike Bickle & Misty Edwards from International House of Prayer: KC speaking. We heard about it a few days ago and our friends helped us make arrangements so we will leave tomorrow morning and go to Armenia by taxi for a few days and attend! As worship and intercession are big parts of what we view as our primary purposes in life, it will be a joy to be able to glean from some of the great leaders in these fields of faith. Evan will celebrate his birthday there on Friday! We are looking forward to seeing friends there and seeing what God wants to do at the conference! Its a big blessing for this region.

Looking back: March & April was a whirlwind of movement and travel. Our time with friends in Charleston was great, especially the amazing Bluegrass & BBQ event! We were so encouraged and blessed!!! Then we traveled to see family & friends in Columbia, Asheville, Indiana, and attended a revival conference in Chicago with Carol Arnott, Beni Johnson, Heidi Baker and the likes! We celebrated mine & Judah's birthdays, and our 4th wedding anniversary was last week. I'm really so thankful for my family, you friends and God's goodness & faithfulness!

I have already been missing Charleston, but we are really happy to be here. It is good. Thank you each for all your support and prayers! We want to hear from you still so please drop us a note how you're doing and stay in touch! Please keep the prayers coming!!

Much love,
Alicia, Evan & Judah

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