I also stayed busy with a lot of hula hooping! I am having daily classes with some girls here that we are training up to lead the hoop ministry once we are gone. They are learning so fast and are so good with the kids! There is big vision and opportunity for hula hoop ministry here! We also took hoops to Kids outreach in different locations. Most kids here have never seen a hula hoop! They LOVE it and then I get to share the Gospel through the 5 colored hoops :) We will continue that this week, as well as teach some workshops at dance schools in the city. Please pray that our last few weeks here would be the best yet! I want to give & take everything God has for me during this time. I know there is more to come. More joy & love & Spirit. You can keep us in your prayers for finances as well as we hope to fly home at the end of this month before going on to Kona to staff a DTS. It is an honor to partner with y'all in this mission to reach the nations with the name of Jesus.
ps. I just finished reading Bill Johnson's book Face to Face with God It is seriously the best book I have read in a VERY long time. It challenged me so many times to stop, think, and pray. So good. I leave you with one of the many great quotes. "That is the nature of the Christian life. We give away what we have, and as we do, the world around us conforms. It is a superior kingdom." True, and something we can all do wherever we are.