Here we are! This is our School of Frontier Missions class taken the 1st week. We have students from Armenia, Belarus, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and USA! Quite diverse as you can see :) Sorry it has been a while since our last update but we have been good and busy with school! The first month flew by already. It was packed full of great teaching, growth, and a lot of research and reading for school projects. Our first 2 weeks we were blessed with pioneers who have been with YWAM for over 40 years and have even worked alongside Brother Andrew! The first week was about Pioneering new works in new places. Second week was leadership. Third week we learned about building and following Vision. Last week we were blessed with the teaching "How not to burn out in ministry." A really great message and much needed in this area of the world; stress management, rest & Sabbath, depression, etc. And this week we have a YWAM team from the States teaching us about Bible study and then Church planting. In addition to classes Evan is leading worship at school and church and we are beginning to host worship nights at our apartment.
We have some EXCITING news! Thank you for those who have joined us in prayer discerning our next steps from here. Through many crazy contacts and open doors we are moving ahead with going to INDIA in December! We are working on visa and trip details now. We plan to go until the end of February. We will travel to several different cities connecting with different ministries. One we are very excited about is joining up with Hoola For Happiness and using hula hoops to spread the love and joy of Christ! We believe God will teach us a lot through this trip and enable us to build relationships for future work. He will move and open our eyes to His vision for the nation. In West Bengal state of India alone there are over 600 people groups, hundreds of languages, many millions of people almost completely unreached with the Gospel. It is insane. We are so excited to see more of God's part for us in His great plan!
We are VERY excited to share that in March we will go to Kona, Hawaii to the main YWAM University of the Nations to staff the Awaken DTS that begins in April! Check it out We will be honored with the opportunity to lead an outreach team wherever in the world God leads. There are amazing people there and amazing things happening! We know God has BIG things in store for us in the next season.
Its all very exciting but it doesn't happen easily. We cannot do this without your support! We NEED your prayers. Please pray for us for the finances needed to get to India and our time there and then to get to Kona. Another request would be for the planning process, for favor and open doors with the visa and all the details. We have a busy schedule with school going on and with the administration aspect of our work it can become stressful. Pray for God's grace that we can manage our time well and keep priorities straight. We can't wait to share with you how God provides for this journey! He is so faithful. If you feel led to support us please contact us or give through our paypal link on the right.Truly we are so blessed with your friendships and encouragement. Partnering with us is a picture of the body of Christ fulfilling the Great Commission in Matthew 28. Thank you so much for being a part of this mission.
By the way, if you would like to be on our newsletter email list go here to sing up!
Much love and blessings. We look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy fall and pumpkin lattes!! :)
Alicia & Evan