Monday, August 20, 2012

God is so so so Good!

We are back in Yerevan after 2 weeks in the mountain town of Tsakhkadzor. We really enjoyed the cool mountain air as well as the rich teaching of the conference. We are so blessed at this point to be involved in what is going on in Eastern Europe and are looking forward to doing some local outreach here in Yerevan. Speaking of Yerevan, it is really hot! We are used to heat, but not with no AC! Yesterday we joined a Switzerland counseling school outreach team and went to a small church outside of Yerevan. It was a really nice time. This week we will begin looking for an apartment in Yerevan. Join us in prayer that we would be at exactly the location to fulfill God's purposes, preferably close to the school and with a washing machine and all things working!

Check out our video this video that we just made about an exciting thing that happened at the conference. Sorry it is so long, but just watch, its really cool!

Here are the links that I was talking about in the video. I hope you enjoy!

-Evan and Alicia

 For innovations at YWAM Kona campus:

For Sourceview Bible website:

Oh forgot to mention in the video. During the offering almost $3000 was given to cover the extra costs of the conference and to go to the Iranian earthquake victims. That doesn't include the much more that was given between participants and material things such as clothing and jewelry. And the week before that a little over $1000 was given to an outreach team of teenagers from Kazakstan who came to Armenia with only enough for a one way ticket. Pretty amazing what God can provide through a bunch of poor missionaries when we ask Him what to give! :)
Also Evan had a really bad toothache during the first week that was causing a lot of pain. We believed that God would bring healing and just kept praying. Praise God now its fully better!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

DNA Conference Highlights

We have had a great first week back in Armenia. We are staying in a mountain town for a 2 week YWAM conference with workers from all over Eastern Europe including Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova. We have loved getting to meet so many awesome people and hearing from these wise speakers! The sessions have been so rich. I wish you could hear the full teaching but I want to pass on some highlights from the first week. The conference focuses on the vision of YWAM but I think its applicable to many people in all areas of life and society. I hope that you will think about these things in your life and that something will speak to you, as we each seek to fulfill our purpose.

*True love is living to make the dreams of your beloved a reality.
   Are we living this way for Jesus? Let's live to make His dreams for our lives come true! If you're doing something that Jesus isn't getting excited about, quit doing it!
-Our picture of God is like a postcard. The real thing is so much more beautiful than the picture, there are so many more facets to see. There is always more.
- We will all leave a lasting legacy. We all have a spiritual line and family. What legacy are you leaving?
 *A leader is a person who knows what they believe and why.
-If you can't lead yourself, you can't lead others.
  -Questions for leading self: How do I manage my thought life, body, relationships, finances, calling, etc? Is there still passion for what God has called me to do? If not, why not? Do I know the state of my character? Do I have accountability? What do others see in me that I can't see in myself? Is my love for God growing?  Is my capacity for loving others growing? Are there undealt with offenses in your heart? You are responsible for the issues in your heart.
-When reconciliation takes place it is initiated by the one hurt the most because he has come to a place of forgiveness.
-We cannot lead with influence those who we don't love and in the areas we don't love.
-God's perspective is truth in all situations, and always includes hope and redemption.Tell yourself His perspective.
-Be honest, is Jesus enough?
-Don't let your emotions lead you! Emotions guiding causes pain. Prov. 4:23 Above all else guard your heart.
-Leadership is a sacred trust given from God.
Integrity & Decisions
-Do our actions line up with what we say we believe? What is the root of why we do what we do? When we continue to ask why about an action it leads us to the root of our worldview. That comes down to our view of who God is. And asking 'so what'? It leads from our belief to an action.
-God has called us to be change makers because He is a change maker.
-Individuals & societies become like the gods they worship.
-Any description of the living God must describe Him as infinite & personal, big & close.
-If you don't believe in God because of injustice in the world, you have no foundation to talk about justice and goodness. In that case, we are equal with bugs and there is no justice.
-If you do not decide on perimeters to raise your child, the culture will raise your child. 
Biblical Worldview
1. God is infinite & personal
2. Man is finite & personal
3. Truth is constant & knowable
4. Our choices are significant: Men & women are responsible for our actions.
-We pray because we believe God is faithful, He hears, He cares, is powerful, is Creator. Praying, "if its Your will..." is a safe prayer. There is no faith, no risk, no power needed.
Purpose & Vision
*Purpose is something or an idea that God dreams up and decides on then creates someone to fulfill it.
-Purpose is to know you are living for something bigger than yourself, something that will still be around when you are gone.
-Without vision we die.
-Vision is precious like a baby. It starts as a dream of God and He drops it in a heart. We need to treat it that way. Nourish it and care for it. Don't let it die. Be a door opener for people with vision!
-Our job as spiritual leaders is to know and affirm when young people hear from the Lord.
-When we are committed to obeying God with a right spirit, He will protect the vision.

I know its a lot but this is most of my notes. It was hard to narrow down! I'm sure this week will bring a lot more inspiration. God has been pouring out revelation and vision on us this week. So thankful and amazed at His goodness and faithfulness! Truly we are called to a life of great adventure in Christ. The security that we have found in Him is so much more than anything the world has to offer. I hope you find these words encouraging.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

We're Back!

Hello everyone!

We arrived back in Yerevan, Armenia last night and we thought we would take a few minutes to update you on how we are doing and give you a little picture of life in Yerevan. Watch and enjoy!

We will try to keep you updated here. Sorry it has been so long. Thankfully we got to catch up with many of you back home! Our DTS ended well in June. It was very challenging, but God taught us soo much about His character, love, humility, etc. He really gave us hearts for people who don't know about Him and we desire to show people God's love. We have really taken on YWAM'S motto for ourselves, "To know God and to make Him known." We had a great, restorative time visiting family and friends in Indiana, New Jersey, Florida, and South Carolina! It was a restful time that we really got to process our experience and all that God did! He is such an exciting, loving, LIVING God! A life in relationship with Him is truly more fun and rewarding than anything I ever could have imagined. And that is why I keep on living this crazy life of faith! Now we are excited to be back in Yerevan the capital of Armenia following His call for us. We came back early for a 2 week YWAM conference that starts tomorrow. Then in September we will do the School of Frontier Missions as students. The focus of the school is church planting in unreached nations, with a focus on the 10/40 window. The 10/40 window is the region with the most people in the world who have never heard about Jesus. It includes North Africa, Middle East, and Asia. That is really where we desire to focus our ministry in the future. This school ends in December, but from there the world is open! We are praying about where to go for our independent outreach :)! Thank you all so much for the love, encouragement and support that you show us! We can't do this without you all! Everyone in YWAM from the president down raises support. No one is paid. This is not another short term trip for us, God is calling us to give our lives to serving Him in missions. If you feel led to support us financially monthly or with a one time gift you can always give on Paypal through the link here on our blog. Or you can send a tax-deductible check to Church of the Holy Cross at P.O. Box 506, Sullivan's Island, SC 2948. Make the check to Holy Cross and write "Georgia Mission" in the memo line. We fully believe that God will bless you for sending in prayers, finances, and encouragement as He does us for going. We desire all of God's blessings for you! Much love! In Christ, Alicia & Evan