Last week was a good one. I'm feeling more adjusted to the very full schedule and we're learning a lot. Still waiting for the snow to stop and melt. We havent had water for 3 days And maybe the Lord was even teaching us through that. He has definitely called us out of our comfort zone! We were reminded last week of our heavenly Fathers great love for us, and you. Much of the teaching was about wounds that effect your relationship with God and how you view Him, forgiveness, and confession of sin. The last 2 days were, all day, a time of inner healing prayer ministry for each person. For some a new journey of healing began and for others the process continues. We never end this process of getting closer to God, can you imagine His infinite love, personality, and might? There is Always more to learn about Him! And the Father's love and grace is so amazing, He has forgiven us and enables us to forgive others. I want to say a little about forgiveness because Evan and I have both experienced its power.
Forgiveness is God's key to being set free!! Forgiveness is for us not them. Forgiveness is not automatic trust, it is not forgetting how we were wronged. It is releasing the person to the justice of God, giving Him control. It is a decision we must make, even if we don't feel like it. Are you willing to forgive? Willing to be willing? Think about this. Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive others for their transgressions, you heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions." Pretty serious. He saves us, forgives us of all our junk but can we do the same?
Leave and release them- a person, country, church, people group, etc. Bless them. Cling to God and receive from Him. Let God become our Father and receive His love. God's healing is a process and it begins when we open our hearts. God loves you so much that Jesus left His Father to come and give His life up for you! Forgiveness is the key to our healing. So here is the challenge: is there anyone in your life that you have not forgiven, big or small? Try it and experience the difference in your relationship with your Daddy.
On another note I am amazed at our times of intercession and how much the Lord reveals even about the nations to those who seek Him and pray on their behalf. I think we will share more about this in our next post. We would ask your prayers for God's vision for our future and where He wants us. May we all keep Him the focus of our lives and know Him more and more.